
Rhinoplasty in Delhi

Rhinoplasty Cost in Delhi ranges from Rs. 45,000 - Rs. 2,50,000

SB Aesthetics offers the best rhinoplasty in Delhi. Rhinoplasty Surgery is performed to change the shape of the nose or to improve its function is known as rhinoplasty or nose job. The nose is the most prominent facial organ, and many times an injury, accident, congenital disabilities, and aging can affect the nose structure. Rhinoplasty surgery improves the proportions of the nose and also the facial harmony, with a goal to create correct proportion with respect to facial balance. The nose structure is composed of bones and cartilage, and rhinoplasty can change the cartilage, bone, and skin to achieve the desired results.

Rhinoplasty is performed for many reasons, such as to repair the nose after an injury or trauma, correct birth defects, and enhance the appearance of the nose.

Rhinoplasty can help to correct

  • Nasal asymmetry.
  • Nostrils that are upturned, wide, and large.
  • Nose profiles with depression and humps (visible) on the bridges.
  • Facial balance with respect to nose size.
  • Enlarged, drooping, unturned, hooked nasal tips.
  • Deviated septum (a major cause of breathing impairment), the nasal structure is readjusted to produce better alignment.

In short rhinoplasty can help in changing the size, angle, and straightening the bridge. If the rhinoplasty surgery is performed to correct the breathing defects or a deviated septum, then it can be performed at a younger age. Septoplasty is done along with rhinoplasty to correct the deviated septum. However, if the surgery is performed to improve the appearance, then it must be performed when the nasal bone is fully grown. To get an effective rhinoplasty in Delhi, people with good health and realistic expectations are considered good candidates for rhinoplasty.

When to Consider Rhinoplasty Surgery?

  • If one is unhappy with the shape, size or angle of the nose
  • If the nose is too large, too small or not in proportion to the rest of the face
  • If one has breathing problems resulting from irregularities inside the nose
  • If one has a nasal hump or a nasal tip that is drooping, too elevated or wide

How to prepare for Rhinoplasty surgery?

1) Medical history
The surgeon will ask about the history of nasal obstruction, previous surgeries, undergoing medications, and treatments. The individuals suffering from bleeding disorders is not considered as an ideal candidate for rhinoplasty.

One must always discuss about the goals, motivation for surgery, changes required in the nose, desired results, and expectations with the surgeon.

2) Physical test
The surgeon will evaluate the nose structure (inside and outside), skin, and other facial features and determine the changes that can be made. Specific lab tests are performed. 

3) Photographs
The photographs of the nose are taken from different angles, and these photos will be used for before and after treatment assessment. Photos are also used for specific discussion about the goals of the surgery.

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose for both cosmetic and functional purposes. In India, rhinoplasty is a popular choice for those seeking to improve their facial harmony and confidence.

Types of rhinoplasty

Types of rhinoplasty

Depending on the concerns to be treated or the outcomes needed to be achieved, the type of rhinoplasty is determined at SB Aesthetics. The aim of the rhinoplasty surgeon is to provide the best rhinoplasty in Delhi. The types of rhinoplasty performed are-

1. Open rhinoplasty

  • A small incision is made, the underside of the nose that heals in a short period of time.
  • Allows a better view of deformities, therefore, correction is better to achieve with this procedure.
  • Used in cases of extensive reshaping.
  • Scars are well hidden in the nasal contours.

2) Closed rhinoplasty

  • Incisions are made inside the nostrils.
  • Performed in cases of minor adjustments in the nasal structure to achieve desired improvements.
  • No visible scarring after surgery.
  • Extensive rhinoplasty procedure.

3) Endonasal rhinoplasty

  • Best suited where limited changes are needed for correction of nasal shape.

In many cases, fillers are also used to improve nasal contours. The non-surgical nose job with fillers can help in the following ways:

  • Fillers are injected at certain points in the nose.
  • Improves nasal symmetry.
  • Smooth out bumps
  • Reshape the nasal tip.
  • Cost-effective.

What other options are available?

Apart from these main incision approaches, the open approach and the internal (endonasal) approach are also used by surgeons to provide the best rhinoplasty in Delhi. In addition to incision options, there are various methods for augmenting the nose or smoothing surface deformities.

  • Autologous cartilage grafts taken from the nasal septum (the wall inside the nose that divides one air passage from the other) offers the best chance for a natural result. If cartilage and bone have already been removed from the nasal septum, then ear or rib cartilage and sometimes bone from the skull are other options.
  • Although solid silicone implants are available for nasal surgery, these are foreign materials that may become infected or react poorly with the nasal tissues and have to be removed. That is why natural cartilage, if a supply is available, is the most trouble-free option.
  • Fillers or fat grafts may also be injected to smooth the nose, to camouflage deformities or indentations, or to add volume in desired areas.

Rhinoplasty Procedures

The surgery takes about 3-4 hours or more. The steps followed by the expert surgeon for rhinoplasty in Delhi at SB Aesthetics include the following:

  1. Administration of anaesthesia: The patient is provided with local or general anaesthesia, depending upon the complexity of the surgery.
  2. Making incision: An incision is created inside a nose or base of the nose, or between the nostrils.
  3. Reshaping the nose structure: Readjusting the bone and cartilage underneath the skin. The cartilage is taken deep inside the nose or from the ear (or ribs in rare cases). The use of cartilage from the patient ’s body reduces the chances of immune rejection.
  4. Deviated septum correction: The surgery also corrects the crooked or deviated septum to improve breathing, if required. 
  5. Closing the incision: The surgeon places the nose skin and tissue back and stitches the incision in the nose. Bandages are finally applied to cover the treated area.
  6. Supporting garment: (splints and gauze) is worn for a few weeks. One must follow the instructions as directed by their surgeon to fasten the healing process.

General or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia are used.


This is an outpatient procedure. Consult our expert plastic surgeon to learn more about the best rhinoplasty and to enquire about the effective and budget-friendly rhinoplasty cost in Delhi.

Risks and complications

All surgeries are associated with some risks and infections. At SB Aesthetics, skilled hands perform the surgery to reduce the risks and offer the best rhinoplasty in Delhi. This reduces the chances of side effects and the likelihood of their occurrence. The risks and complications associated with rhinoplasty are:

  • Infection.
  • Swelling.
  • Scars.
  • Numb nose.
  • Breathing difficulties.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Asymmetrical nose.
  • Adverse reaction of anesthesia.
  • Pain and discoloration.
  • A need for additional surgery.

After surgery care

To achieve the best outcomes and to provide the best rhinoplasty in Delhi, our surgeon encourages the patients to follow given aftercare guidelines. The post-operative guidelines include:

  • Take plenty of rest and keep your head raised to your chest, to reduce swelling and bleeding.
  • Take medication as prescribed, and do not intake blood thinning medication and herbal supplements for a few weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activities such as jogging, gymming, and aerobics.
  • Do not blow the nose.
  • Eat only light soft foods, high fiber food, fruits, and vegetables, to avoid constipation. Constipation can cause strain and pressure on the surgery site.
  • Brush the teeth gently and do not put pressure on your upper lip area.
  • Wear clothes that fasten in front.
  • Apply sunscreen on the face and nose while going out (to prevent irregular discolouration).
  • Consume less sodium in the diet, and it will help to reduce swelling rapidly.
  • Avoid excessive chewing.
  • Don’t rest eyeglasses on the nose for a few weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid making extreme facial expressions.
  • Take baths (no showers) while you have bandages on your nose.
  • The dressing is removed after 7-10 days, and one must protect their nose from sunlight and dusty areas for 6-8 weeks.
  • Apply a cold compress to decrease swelling and discolouration.

Rhinoplasty Results

  • Swelling subsides within a few weeks, and final nose shape is apparent after it is completely healed. It may take a year for the new nasal contour to refine fully.
  • Effective and natural looking results.
  • Improvements are relatively permanent.
  • One can return to work or daily activities in a week.


  • Activities that are more strenuous may be resumed after two to three weeks. The patient should avoid any activity that could impact on the nose or allow it to become sunburned for at least eight weeks.
  • The use of a sunblock that provides both UVA and UVB protection is useful. The final results may take one year and sometimes longer to achieve.

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost in Delhi?

Rhinoplasty Cost in Delhi ranges from Rs. 45,000 - Rs. 2,50,000

The cost of rhinoplasty is determined by factors like the type of technique used, the type of rhinoplasty done, the amount of alterations needed, the surgeon’s expertise, and many more. At SB Aesthetics, the cost of rhinoplasty for different types of rhinoplasties includes the following:

Type of Rhinoplasty

Cost of Rhinoplasty

Full Rhinoplasty

Rs. 1.8 Lakhs - 2.5 Lakhs

Ala Reduction

Rs. 45,000 - 55,000

Ala + Tip

Rs. 90,000 - 1.25 Lakhs

To find out which technique is best for you and to get the best and most affordable rhinoplasty cost in Delhi, consult SB Aesthetics Clinic now!

FAQs About Rhinoplasty in Delhi

What is the cost of rhinoplasty in Delhi?

The rhinoplasty cost in Delhi generally ranges between Rs. 45,000 to 2,50,000 at advanced facilities like SB Aesthetics. Cost also depends on the specific concerns of the patient and the approach followed by the surgeon.

Is rhinoplasty a painful surgery?

Rhinoplasty surgery is not a painful procedure. However, mild and moderate pain can be managed by anaesthesia during surgery and with pain medicines after surgery.

How long does a nose rhinoplasty last?

Rhinoplasty is a permanent procedure that yields long-lasting effects. Some individuals might desire a second rhinoplasty procedure to make any further necessary cosmetic adjustments.

What's the difference between a nose job and a rhinoplasty?

There is no difference between rhinoplasty and a nose job. Nose job is a commonly used term, and rhinoplasty is used medically. The surgery enhances the way your nose looks.

Is nose rhinoplasty permanent?

Yes, rhinoplasty provides permanent results. One won't require a second procedure unless they are unhappy with how the first surgery turned out.

What Is Cleft Rhinoplasty? | Nose Reshaping Surgery | Dr. Shilpi Bhadani
Live discussion on Depressed Nose | Treatment with Rhinoplasty or Nose Job | Dr. Shilpi Bhadani
5 Tips To Get A Beautiful Nose with Nose Job/Rhinoplasty Surgery (नाक की सर्जरी से पाएं खूबसूरत नाक)
What Is Cleft Rhinoplasty? | Nose Reshaping Surgery | Dr. Shilpi Bhadani
Live discussion on Depressed Nose | Treatment with Rhinoplasty or Nose Job | Dr. Shilpi Bhadani
5 Tips To Get A Beautiful Nose with Nose Job/Rhinoplasty Surgery (नाक की सर्जरी से पाएं खूबसूरत नाक)
Before After
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✱ Opinions/Results may vary from person to person.
✱ Opinions/Results may vary from person to person.
✱ Opinions/Results may vary from person to person.
✱ Opinions/Results may vary from person to person.
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Monday - Saturday: 9:30am - 6:30pm

Sunday: Closed


Plot No 822, Sector 42, Main Road, Road, DLF Golf Course,
Gurugram, Haryana 122002

Phone: +91 81301 34693, +91 93154 72650

E-mail: [email protected]